Tips for Family Photos this Thanksgiving

thanksgiving, candid family portraits

As you prepare your Thanksgiving feast this year, here are a few tips to photograph your loved ones.

1. Have your guests arrive 30 mins earlier than your original start time. You have the meal planned out in your head, the time the turkey must come out of the oven, when to start the gravy etc. You (the host) have to do last minute meal preparations and if you are in the kitchen then you are not in the group photo. So, have guests come 30 mins before last minute meal prep has to start. Give yourself time to assemble everyone for a group photo and get in the photo yourself. You will be glad you did.

2. Put your iPhone on burst mode to capture several shots. Someone will blink or move, it’s human nature. This way you are guaranteed to get at least one shot with everyone’s eyes open. Position your group near a window or outside for optimal lighting. Indoor lighting can be tricky. If at all possible, take your group outside with the sun behind your subjects to prevent squinting.

3. Take pictures of the food, table settings and centerpieces. You may even want to photograph the recipe itself. Every family has a favorite dish that is passed down from generation to generation. Continue the tradition by sharing recipes.

4. Capture candid moments between guests. Have a teen or tween? Have them help out with capturing interactions among guests and even the chaos in the kitchen. These memories will be fun to look back on for generations to come.

5. Last but not least, capture the oldest generation and the youngest together. These moments are special and are truly a gift.

Make sure to back up your images on a computer or cloud service to preserve your family memories. Embrace the chaos and enjoy each moment with friends and family. Family is a blessing. Happy Thanksgiving.


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